The Pandemic F#ckery Continues

Who else is suffering from Zoom-induced sciatica and forced pandemic celibacy?

Vi Valenzuela
6 min readJan 23, 2022
Photo by visuals on Unsplash

First off, apologies if I’ve offended anyone with the title but I’m so tired of how the pandemic has messed us up — from the loss of life that continues on the daily, to the disconnectedness, and the ongoing stress of navigating life under constant duress.

I’ve often felt that I shouldn’t complain because overall I’ve been relatively okay, but I’m hopeful that by sharing this, it will bring me some peace and at least provide me with a venting session.

By relatively okay, I’m referring to the fact that I haven’t lost my job and I haven’t faced economic hardship and for that I am grateful. My heart goes out to families who have struggled and to workers who have been on the frontlines having to deal with the rest of us.

I should mention that I did experience major life events during the pandemic — a major career change as the new executive director of an organization in flux; seeing my firstborn and first child off to college during this past winter when COVID numbers were high; and finalizing a divorce after 19 years of marriage. Big sigh.

Because of my privilege of continued remote work and slight germaphobic behaviors, I’ve been able to avoid coming down with…

